Calendar of Readings27 March SundaySunday of the Second Scrutiny: Born blind
23 28 March MondayConfide
In the word of God and in his constant action in your life Today's Reflection Compassionate God, grant us the spirit of prayer and penance, and give us a true desire to love you and to love our brothers and sisters. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 24 29 March TuesdayBe Grateful
To your community their love, their company and their help along the way Today's Reflection Mysterious God Grant us to live more deeply the mystery of Christ, — so that we can bear witness to it more forcefully and clearly Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 25 30 March WednesdayListen
Today to Jesus and praise God in your life. Today's Reflection Patient God Grant us the spirit of faith and thanksgiving, to always receive with joy the good and to bear with patience the adverse Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. |
Biblical illustrations by Jim Padgett (1984) courtesy of Sweet Publishing, Ft. Worth, TX
26 31 March ThursdayPray the Creed
Paying attention to what you proclaim and promise Today's Reflection Faithful God Grant us to live fully the mystery of the Church, so that we and all men may find in it an effective sacrament of salvation Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 27 01 April FridayPray
For your father, thanking God for him. Today's Reflection Mystical Father you who chose the righteous Joseph to feed your Son in childhood and youth, let us serve in our brothers and sisters the mystical body of Christ. 28 02 April SaturdayChoose
What is stronger in you God or the world? Today's Reflection Eternal God May your love and mercy lead our hearts like that of Mary so we can please you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord |